Verfügbarkeit prüfen
Ab 32,79 US$ / person
  • Erwachsener (12+)
    - +
  • Kind (4-11)
    - +
  • Baby (0-3)
    - +
Bleiben Sie dran. Es kann manchmal bis zu 30 Sekunden dauern, bis wir Ihre Daten und Optionen gefunden haben. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld mit uns.


Hotelabholung inklusive
Ab 32,79 US$ /person


  • Wann findet es statt?


  • Dauer

    2 HOURS

  • Startzeit

    • Start time: 10:00, Finish time: 13:00
    • Start time: 14:00, Finish time: 17:00

  • Treffpunkt
    • Turkish Bath,
    Bodrum , Turkey,

Warum gerade diese Tour

  • Einfach zu buchen - einfach zu stornieren - einfach zu ändern!
  • Früh buchen und Rabatte erhalten
  • Sparen Sie im Vergleich zu den lokalen Preisen!
  • Genießen Sie die Aussicht


You will be picked up from your hotel and delivered to the Hamam. This Turkish bath experience incorporates a sauna, steam shower, froth back rub, and fragrance based treatment oil knead. This full system will make your body feel increasingly fit, and your soul feels progressively solid.

In Western Europe, the Turkish bath was as a method for purging and unwinding got famous during the Victorian time. The procedure included is like that of a sauna, yet is all the more firmly identified with antiquated Greek and Roman washing rehearses.

The historical backdrop of the customary bath or hamam reaches out back hundreds of years however it is still as pervasive as ever! It's never been viewed as only an opportunity to wash down the skin, however, is an absolute encounter that happens in an uncommon air.

For a purifying spa involvement with Bodrum, a Turkish shower at a hamam is great in case you're searching for a touch of quiet and unwinding on your vacation. Entertain yourself with a body scour and cleanser rub as you appreciate one of Turkey's generally extraordinary and pleasurable customs. And after all the procedures you will be dropped off to your hotel.


  • Drop off at the hotel.
  • Pick up from the hotel
  • Tickets
  • Transport
  • Turkish Bath includes: Sauna, peeling, foam massage and oil massage.


  • Drinks
  • Gratuities

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Please be informed that correct hotel name and check-in date is essential to ensure better service to our guests.

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